Hi It's me

Muhammad Adil Nadeem

And I'm a Full Stack NextJs Developer

My goal is to create beautiful and functional websites that exceed your expectations. With a deep understanding of the latest technologies and trends, I can help you achieve your goals and stand out from the competition. Let's collaborate on your next project - contact me today to get started.

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About Me

I'm a full stack NextJs developer curious to learn more about emerging web development technologies. My goal is to create beautiful and functional websites that exceed your expectations. As a proficient Next.js developer, I also have knowledge of TypeScript, Reacts, SQL Databases such as PostgreSQL ORMs such as Drizzle, API development, Content Management Systems such as Sanity and Contentful, Payment Getaways such as Stripe and contemporary CSS technologies like Tailwind and Shadcn-UI. I can also seamlessly work with Large Language models and LangChain to integrate latest and advance AI technologies in your applications.

I'm not only a skilled engineer, but also a vital team member, with outstanding communication and team management skills. My dedication and attention to detail in project management are matched by my love for developing dynamic, responsive web apps. I can smoothly combine technical expertise and creative vision to produce high-quality web development projects because I have a great eye for design and a dedication to teamwork. I am a tech enthusiast with a keen interest in computers and programming. I love learning new technologies and solving problems. I'm enrolled in a course on Gen AI, Web 3.0 and the Metaverse to get ready for the next generation of the internet, when artificial intelligence, decentralized technology and virtual worlds will have a stronger influence on how we communicate, work, and live online.


Tailwind CSS
Shadcn UI
Drizzle ORM
Sanity CMS
API Integration
Gen AI


Full Stack Notes CRUD App

Full Stack Notes CRUD App

A Notes app built with NextJS 13, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI for frontend and Postgre SQL, Vercel Storage, Rest APIs and Drizzle ORM for backend

Weather App

Weather App

A weather app built with ReactJs and Tailwind CSS using openweatherapi

Photo Album App

Photo Album App

A Photo Album app built with NextJS 13, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI and Cloudinary



A text manupilating app built with ReactJs and Bootstrap



A Modern Metaverse Website home page built with NextJs 13, Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion

Carts and Details

Carts and Details

A Modern Carts & Details page built with NextJs 13 and Chakra UI

Contact Me